use the following.
1.Create a disassembler pipeline component.
2.Use the following code in the disassemble stage
public void Disassemble(IPipelineContext pc, IBaseMessage inmsg)
// Clone the message context so we can associate it with the new message later
originalMsgContext = PipelineUtil.CloneMessageContext(inmsg.Context);
// create the xml doc
splittedNode = incomingXML.SelectSingleNode(strxpath);
catch (Exception ex)
throw (ex);
Then in the GetNext use something like this....
public IBaseMessage GetNext(IPipelineContext context)
XmlDocument currentMessage = new XmlDocument();
IBaseMessage newMsg = null;
StringReader strreadRead = new StringReader(splittedNode.OuterXml);
//XLINQ query with year,renderingid and month
var grouped = from c in System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(strreadRead).Elements("serviceline") group c by new { year = c.Element("year").Value, renderingid = c.Element("renderingid").Value, month = c.Element("month").Value } into c select c;
foreach (var serviceline in grouped)
string strgroup = "<_x0032_200>";
foreach (var temps in serviceline)
strgroup += temps.ToString();
strgroup += "\n";
strgroup = strgroup + "";
strgroup = string.Empty;
if ((strdocs.Count > 0) && (splitCounter < editnode =" incomingXML.SelectSingleNode(strxpath);" fragment =" incomingXML.CreateDocumentFragment();" innerxml =" strdocs[splitCounter];" splitcounter =" splitCounter" memstream =" new" newmsg =" context.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessage();" newmsgpart =" context.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessagePart();" data =" memStream;" iprop =" 0;" val =" originalMsgContext.ReadAt(iProp,">
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