Friday, January 21, 2011

Consuming Web Services without web references in BizTalk

1.Generating the proxy class from wsdl.exe. You can generate the proxy class from the Visual Studio command prompt, and giving the proper switches will create the proxy class.

wsdl /out:[dir]proxy.cs http://localhost/[webservice URI].asmx?wsdl

2 .After generating the proxy class, you can add the proxy class to a .NET Library project, give it a strong name key file, build the project. (Don’t forget to GAC the generated assembly before deploying the BizTalk project).

3.After it is GAC’d, we can configure the send port of the orchestration and supply the AssemblyName and MethodName properties for the message context. After the BizTalk Project is deployed, we can configure the send port calling the Web Service. In the Web Service tab, select the assembly which was created before by building the .NET library project containing the proxy class. Select the type name and method name, and in the General tab, specify the Web Service URI.

In this way, you can have more control over the proxy and handle its versioning, and a little change in the Web Service won't make you build deploy the project again.

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